Launching LANDING

The first of our delectable Mersey Minis is launched.
Everyone turned up, and drank, and ate, and listened, and clapped, and chatted, and bought books, and queued for Deb's signature, and stayed for more wine and food and chat, and had to get turfed out so the BBC could go home.
I crawled home on hands and knees, no longer capable of standing upright. Not from quantities of vino (evening's total was three glasses of water and one of Asda's orange&grapefruit) but just complete knackeredness.
Am really chuffed that lots of friends and most favourite brother in law made sterling efforts and got through the building site that is Liverpool to join us.
Will reflect more, but not till I get back from Transylvania. Taxi due in 3 hours with plenty still to do. eek.

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