Brilliant course being run this autumn/winter by University of Liverpool's continuing education dept: Forensic geoscience...
How smart is that to cite as your Monday evening activity of choice?
Here's the blurb:
"Crime scene investigation has become popularised by the media. This course will look at the collection of geological information and the application of analytical techniques to criminal and civil investigations ranging from murder to identifying frauds and fakes."
Starts on Monday 24 September, 7-9pm, for 15 weekly meetings.
We could all be publishing books based on forensic geoscience in a year or two – Silver Daggers a-go-go.
For more info go to http://dbweb.liv.ac.uk/cll/page.asp?page_id=7370 , ring 0151 794 2523 or email conted@liverpool.ac.uk
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