
Another one off to the printers, after a 3am finish.
The last stages of production took longer than expected – as always – but it's worth it. These are going to be gorgeous little books, the Mersey Mini series, and a wonderful gift (although I say it myself) for Liverpool's 800th birthday this year.
Deb, the editor, has done a fantastic job of researching and tracking down an astonishing list of names who have written about Liverpool and the Mersey – it's a glorious collection of people, stories, styles and viewpoints.
Even the first volume spans the full eight centuries, former slaves, princes, servants, royalty, celebs, and more famous literary names than you could shake a stick at.
And Clare's illustrations are just scrumptious.
All three of us – series editor, publisher and production bod – woke up (separately) this morning with a start, thinking of something we should have done and didn't. But nothing drastic. Ah well - there are four more volumes to come, so perfection can wait till Vol.2....

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