Ornery writers

Are writers a particularly mulish bunch? Having worked carefully and with much debate on a set of rules and guidelines for our writing competition, we thought they were clear. And we thought, naively, that people would follow said R&Gs. But no. We've had our first "Why not poetry" query, complete with poem, sent without entry form, entirely ignoring all R&Gs. It profiteth him not, of course, as we don't want poetry. And we do want entry forms. There are good reasons for this. We are not form-filling box-tickers by nature, so if we say 'send forms' we mean 'send forms'.
pant, pant, soaring blood pressure, steam building behind ears. Well, not really. But if you are planning to enter the competition, fab, groovy, marvellous, huzzah, but please accept the R&Gs. They aren't demanding, difficult or degrading.
We'd be so grateful.

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